There seem to be too many of these starts and stops though. Why do I get all gung-ho about it for a few weeks and then just quit? Is it all excuses, or are some of these reasons valid? I feel like I've ALWAYS been like it normal? How do some people develop great will-power and motivation, and others don't?
This time its different. This time I feel like I've got not only the physical motivation to get moving, but also the mental and emotional. I've seen the benefit of exercising regularly and eating well - you start feeling like a super star, you have more energy, you sleep better, your clothes fit better, and ... other aspects seem to improve as well. ;-)
I'm ready to quit being a self-centered, un-motivated brat with no will power, and start being a self-centered, MOTIVATED brat WITH will power! I work full time and a second job 3 evenings a week, so scheduling is going to be difficult until my body is used to the routine. Some people are going to try to convince me to go out with them in the middle of the week. Please don't get me wrong, I love spending time with each and every one of you (and you know who you are), but the lifestyle I am currently living is not conducive to a good and healthy body, outlook, attitude and life. So until I get my body used to all the changes, I am going to be hiding under a rock for a while, sometimes even on weekends.
Last week I went to bed at 11pm almost every night, which is early in my world. But I woke up feeling like I actually slept (except for nights where I have sleep-stared, but that's a whole other story, and I'll save that for another post). I LIKE feeling like that in the morning!!
I'm not completely naive. I know I'm not going to change all my bad habits overnight. Baby steps! But those baby steps are going to start with a couple morning work-outs per week. My gym is 2 minutes (LITERALLY) from my house, so I can stumble out of bed, brush my teeth, put a hat over my bed head, and get moving!
I want to start running eventually. I've tried to before, and I got all the way up to running for 5 minutes without stopping (I know, to most of you that doesn't seem like much, but to me, it felt like I had conquered a HUGE hurtle). I did a 5K walk/run in 45 minutes in December 2009 - that was fun!
This week's plan:
- Walk for 45 minutes on at least 2 of my lunch breaks;
- Go to the gym before work at least once; and
- Cut out coffee after 1:00pm.