Tuesday, June 7, 2011


If you could only have one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Pizza, as long as I could change the toppings daily to suit my cravings.

Where is the furthest place from home that you've travelled to?  I googled it - Rio de Janeiro is only 508.86 km farther away from Vancouver than Tel Aviv is.  So Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. :-D

What is your favourite sound?  The sound of his hands wrapping around my waist.

List three things in the nearest proximity to you right now.  A phone, a computer and a mirror.

What are the first three things you would do after finding out you won the lottery?  I would pay off the rest of my credit line, give my family money, buy land in 3 different countries to develop my homes/vacation homes, and develop said homes.

What was the last thing someone said to you that you'll remember forever?  "I love you"

Do you wish upon a star?  I haven't in a long time...maybe I'll start again!

What is your favourite day of the week?  Saturday

What is/was your favourite 80s sitcom?  Golden Girls

Do you think moustaches are sexy?  Nope.  Not at all.

Do you like talking raunchy, or being spoken to in a raunchy manner during sex?  This question is kind of out of left field.  The answer is no.

What do you find the most disgusting?  Questions like the one above!!  Kidding, I'm not THAT much of a prude.  I find a lot of things disgusting...

If you could have anything, absolutely anything right now, what would it be?  $3,567,230.25, tax free.

What are your three favourite smells?  Vanilla, fresh cut grass, the smell of coffee brewing while I'm still under the covers half asleep.  I know my answers are pretty pedestrian.  You're welcome.

If you could push one person off the edge of a cliff, and get away with it, would you do it?  Noooooo!!

If so, who would it be?  TOTALLY not going there!!!!

Have you heard any rumours about me lately (Alli Bell, Linds Carstens)?  Yes, I've heard you're both pregnant. (kidding)

Can we get together and make a cake?  Why the hell not?!

Have we kissed each other?  Yes, I've probably given you both a peck on the cheek at one time or another.

Have you ever snooped around someone else's house?  Yes, but not much.  I like looking at family photos that are all on display.

Can you curl your tongue?  Yes!!