This one has been brewing a bit. I've pressed pause on this post a few times because I wanted to make sure I was writing it for the right reasons.
I came under some fire recently about the last blog post that I published. And truth be told, mentioning this will probably get me in trouble again. But this is my blog.
I will write about my experiences. If you are a friend or family member then you understand and know that sometimes you might be involved in my life experiences in someway. I recently read an article on Facebook about what it means to be a musician. One of the quirks they assigned to us was that you sometimes have to face the fact that you might end up in a song (SO TRUE!!). We don't do it to hurt other people. Quite the opposite actually, at least for me.
I write (music, blog posts, poetry, etc.) because I am trying to use the tools I have in my tool box to help myself heal, even the smallest of wounds. Writing for me is a way of expressing my feelings and thoughts. I'm not here to offend anyone. And if I do offend you, too bad. This is my blog. These are my thoughts and feelings. These are my experiences. If you get offended by the fairly innocuous and vague things I write about, then those are your feelings to deal with, and I hope you do deal with them. Those aren't my feelings.
You should know that I will not change (unless I truly feel the need to), and I really hope that you don't expect me to. I am ME. As with any of my friends, I don't expect you to change either. All I expect is mutual respect. I wrote about an experience. That experience (in a very small way, because I wrote about many general annoyances that were not directed towards anyone) involved you. And I wrote about it to get over it. I didn't say anything untrue.
Short, sweet and to the point. I'm officially over it.
And here is a quick update further to the ACTUAL POINT of my last published blog post - I'm down 20 lbs. How did I do this? Well, I'm regularly active and I eat well. I also feel as if that was emotional weight I was carrying around. I'm doing exactly what is right for me.