Monday, September 14, 2009

Time for an Update!

Time for an update, I suppose!!

Day 9 found me at the gym with my trainer Nick. We decided to let my knee have a little bit more time to heal and did the circuit training but with a bit of a twist. Tried some new exercises and felt quite spent once I was done.

Day 10 I had class right after work. Thankfully it was a short introductory class, so I just hit the gym afterward. I'm getting accustomed to working out later at night, so I may just continue to hit the gym after class on Thursdays. I did a half hour of cardio - 10 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the bike and 10 minutes doing a walk/jog on the treadmill. Ran into Nick on the way out of the gym and he commented on the amount of sweat pouring off me. Yup, I had just gotten off the treadmill and running makes me sweat the most. He looked proud. :D

Day 11 was a bit of a light day. I took the day off from work and didn't really do much of anything. In the evening, however, I took a walk down to Yaletown to meet a friend for coffee. He offered to drive me home and I said no, I would walk, and I did. Like I said, a light day.

Day 12 I had to get up early to go down into Coal Harbour for a Reiki treatment. It was my first Reiki treatment, and it was awesome. Every spot on my body where I had an injury got a more intense flow of heat/energy. I sweated quite a bit during the treatment, and the Reiki Master told me that is because of the amount of toxins in my body. She suggested I take it easy for a bit afterwards and drink lots of water so that it would help the toxins leave my body more. So I did. Later in the day I took a walk to a grocery store that is out of my way to do some grocery shopping. 15 minute walk up hill there and 15 minute walk home with grocery bags home.

Day 13 (yesterday) I didn't work again! I know, three days in a row! For my exercise I walked down to English Bay to chill with a friend for a bit and walked home. I was planning on doing a bit of the seawall while I was down there, but didn't plan it properly and was starving by the time we left the beach, so I had to head straight home to eat something.

Today is day 14 and I have personal training tonight. I'm looking forward to it! Enough posting for me for now - time for breakfast! :)

1 comment:

  1. Liz, awesome work! You're turning it into a lifestyle instead of a "chore". You've got a great attitude, sista! xo
