Friday, September 17, 2010

WMOC - Day 2, 3 and 4

Day 2 - September 14, 2010

I had a cup of coffee this morning and up until this point I didn't feel like I needed anything.  Interesting.  So should I still have a cup of tea in lieu of a second cup of coffee, even though I feel as though I don't even need a second cup of coffee?  Just for consistency's sake?  Or should I leave it and see how this effects me later in the day?  I generally try not to drink tea or coffee in the afternoon for fear of not being able to sleep when I finally get to bed, but definitely use it as a pick me up if I have plans that I know are going to go late.  I think I am going to leave it and not have that cup of tea.

What mundane-ness.  I honestly thought this would be more tortuous, and therefore more interesting to write about.  Seriously, I thought I would be regaling you with tales of having turned into an insatiable banchee, but no such luck.

I had a caffeinated beverage with dinner, but the content was low.  I felt tired and ready to sleep around 10.  As soon as I hit the sheets, though, I couldn't sleep.  So I read until a friend called me for a late-night chat and ended up finally getting to sleep around 2.

Day 3 - September 15, 2010

More of the same.  I had coffee and then I had a tea.  And I was told I get to go home early because I stayed late last night.  I got my grocery shopping done, made a delicious dinner (Adventures in Cooking will be a forthcoming blog...maybe...), and watched the finale of Big Brother 12.

Day 4 - September 16, 2010

I was kept up all night with a cough.  Yay.  These never leave.  Then I was approached sans-caffeine in a testy manner first thing in the morning.  Frickin' double yay.  I had my regular coffee, and then instead of having a cup of caffeinated tea, I decided to have a cup of decaffeinated coffee.  YUCK!  Those in my office who drink decaf like dark roast coffee.  Ew.  But it has served its purpose of being a hot, soothing drink.

I went for dinner with a friend after work, and I totally hit a wall around 8.  I don't know if it was the vodka or the lack of caffeine, but I felt like I could fall asleep right there.  SO not like me!  Thankfully though, I managed to stay awake through dinner and the walk home.  And then as soon as I tried to fall asleep, I was wide awake.  Don't know what thats about!!  Weirdness!!


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