Sunday, April 22, 2012

Re-writing the Second Quarter

I've decided that I need to drop one of my goals for this quarter.  I really enjoy swimming, and I would like to continue enjoying it.  Right now, it feels more like a chore.  So I am officially dropping it as of now.

In its place, I would like to focus on another "Hobby" goal (for lack of a better term because I really don't consider Reiki a hobby).  I'm still trying to get up to doing Reiki twice a week.  Meditation goes along well with it, plus it helps me focus my energy on positive things.  So by June 30, 2012, I would like to be meditating once per week.  

Don't worry.  The gym, and my health are still on my mind.  I'm not sitting at home doing nothing nearly as much as I was before.  I get to the gym 2-3 times a week, and I still watch what I eat.

All right, challenge accepted! :)


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quarterly Goals and Reports - First Quarter Report

Well it’s April 1!  So that means yesterday was the last day of the first quarter of my challenge.  And how did I do?  Well, I’m eating the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables, and I certainly notice when I go a day without.  I’m cooking at home more as well, which helps with eating more fruits and veggies.

But (as you can see above) I failed at the other goal, at least partially.  I regularly and consistently go to the gym, but not four times per week.  I’m currently at two to three days per week, and for the time being, I am happy with that.  The reason for that health goal was to lead a less sedentary life, and I have definitely succeeded in that.

And now on to the goals for my second quarter.  I have decided to make a Health Goal (yes, again), and a Hobbies Goal.

Health Goal

By June 30, 2012, I would like to be swimming once a week.  I was speaking with my dental hygienist yesterday (well as much as you can speak to one) and I was reminded that at one time I was a pretty good swimmer.  So good, in fact, that I had gone up to the highest level in lessons before you would become a lifeguard.  I stopped because at that point I was too young to become a lifeguard, and by the time I was old enough I was more interested in other things.  It has been more than 15 years since I swam laps, so I need to keep that in mind while setting this goal.  Swimming once a week could mean any number of laps, and any type of stroke, so I should set some parameters.  In order to qualify as having gone swimming, I must do at least 5 laps, and I must do the front-stroke (properly, head in water), the backstroke, or the breaststroke (again, properly, head in water).

Swimming uses a whole other set of muscles and technique, so that is why I’m starting out small with 5 laps.  And its still exercise!

Hobbies Goal

Some of you already know that I got my Reiki Level II last year.  I haven't done much of anything with it.  I'm not even using it for self-care either.

By June 30, 2012, I would like to be using this gift at least twice a week.  Ideally, I'd like to be doing Reiki every day, but I just don't give myself the time for that right now.  Hopefully by using Reiki a couple times a week, I will get more into a habit of using my talents daily.  Only good things can come of it!