Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quarterly Goals and Reports - First Quarter Report

Well it’s April 1!  So that means yesterday was the last day of the first quarter of my challenge.  And how did I do?  Well, I’m eating the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables, and I certainly notice when I go a day without.  I’m cooking at home more as well, which helps with eating more fruits and veggies.

But (as you can see above) I failed at the other goal, at least partially.  I regularly and consistently go to the gym, but not four times per week.  I’m currently at two to three days per week, and for the time being, I am happy with that.  The reason for that health goal was to lead a less sedentary life, and I have definitely succeeded in that.

And now on to the goals for my second quarter.  I have decided to make a Health Goal (yes, again), and a Hobbies Goal.

Health Goal

By June 30, 2012, I would like to be swimming once a week.  I was speaking with my dental hygienist yesterday (well as much as you can speak to one) and I was reminded that at one time I was a pretty good swimmer.  So good, in fact, that I had gone up to the highest level in lessons before you would become a lifeguard.  I stopped because at that point I was too young to become a lifeguard, and by the time I was old enough I was more interested in other things.  It has been more than 15 years since I swam laps, so I need to keep that in mind while setting this goal.  Swimming once a week could mean any number of laps, and any type of stroke, so I should set some parameters.  In order to qualify as having gone swimming, I must do at least 5 laps, and I must do the front-stroke (properly, head in water), the backstroke, or the breaststroke (again, properly, head in water).

Swimming uses a whole other set of muscles and technique, so that is why I’m starting out small with 5 laps.  And its still exercise!

Hobbies Goal

Some of you already know that I got my Reiki Level II last year.  I haven't done much of anything with it.  I'm not even using it for self-care either.

By June 30, 2012, I would like to be using this gift at least twice a week.  Ideally, I'd like to be doing Reiki every day, but I just don't give myself the time for that right now.  Hopefully by using Reiki a couple times a week, I will get more into a habit of using my talents daily.  Only good things can come of it!

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