Sunday, May 30, 2010

Only a Day and a Half Left!

To those of you who are following my blog and also walking with me wherever you are, I am starting the 30 Day Walking Challenge in a day and a half! Are you ready? I think I am...

I've come to the conclusion that the only time of day for a large percentage of these walks is going to be first thing in the morning.  I only hope and pray that the Universe is going to work with me and that I don't have to trudge my way through rain.  I really can't afford to get sick at the moment...hmmm, I wonder if I should add a clause for rainy days?  See, the point of this thing is so that I can focus and clear my mind, its really not about the physical exercise.  So if it rains and is really gross first thing in the morning, I'll defer the walk to either my lunch hour or after work.  If it is still rainy and gross by that time, then what can I do for half an hour to clear my mind? Maybe meditate?  Yoga?  I know enough sun-salutations and have taken enough classes to do a yoga routine for half an hour I think...

Suggestions?  Thoughts?

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