Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 1 / Night 1

Well, I didn't get up at 7. In fact, I slept in until 8, which is when I usually start work. Thankfully I have a bit of a "grace period" if you will where I work. As long as we do the amount of time, it doesn't really matter when we start. It would be one thing if I was half an hour late and left at my normal time. But if I'm half an hour late, I stay half an hour longer. Only makes sense.

Effect # 1 of this lack of sleep - rambling.

But overall the day was good. I was busy at work and got lots done! I was very very very very irritable this morning, even after my first coffee. I was still irritable at lunch! I finally relaxed when I just stopped and took a breath and just focused.

I didn't go to the gym like I was planning. I had a bit of a strange weekend, so I am going into this little experience even more sleep deprived than usual. I almost feel like I should have gone to bed about an hour ago, but as soon as I was thinking of turning in, my computer downloaded a virus. I got on the email right away and my brother helped me fix it, but I was panicking until about 20 minutes ago. Brothers who know stuff about computers ROCK!

I have about 24 minutes until I am supposed to turn in, so I will keep this one a bit short, and write more either tomorrow or in a couple days.

Happy Sleeping!! :)

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